

To ensure peaceful and long-term democratic political representation of the people of Sierra Leone through independent registration and balanced monitoring of political parties


The PPRC exists to engender, among political parties in Sierra Leone, a spirit of accountable political pluralism as well as strong democratic principles in the political parties. The PPRC will provide a forum for conflict resolution and thus foster political reconciliation and national cohesion.

Vacancy Available


The PPRC has performed well in the discharge of its mandate through the promotion of democracy and building of a culture of peace within and among political parties.

Political Parties Act No. 25 of 2022

The Political Parties Registration Commission (PPRC) is now referred herein as the Political Parties Regulation Commission through Constitutional Instrument No. 22 of 2022 and the Political Parties Act No. 25 of 2022.


In a bid to achieve its mandate and the desire to unite and assist all political parties in their efforts to attain their aims and objectives, the Commission has been faced with several challenges; thus creating the opportunity for the reformation of the Political Parties Act.

    Guide to Registering a Political Party

    The constitutional provision for the establishment of the PPRC is enshrined in Sections 34 and 35 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone as amended.

    Right to Access Information Commission

    The Digital Access to Information platform (RAIC Website), upgraded from the old web site of the Commission, hosts Freedom of Information (FOI) forms A B C D in the 2022 RAI Regulations for requesters to access and put in an FOI request digitally regardless of geographical frontiers. Click HERE to access page

    Key Accomplishments

    The PPRC has performed well in the discharge of its mandate through the promotion of democracy and building of a culture of peace within and among political parties. In addition to facilitating peaceful and successful elections, the Commission through the UN also provided support to political parties, empowered women and youths and worked closely with the media to reduce political tensions in the country.

    Over the past years, the Commission is been able to do the following:

    • Strengthened its Staff capacity, by the recruitment of new staff.
    • Build the capacity of its staff through training.
    • Considerably improve on the welfare of its Commissioners and staff, by way of salary increments.
    • Review and revised the Constitutions and Rules and Regulations of the Ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party, the main Opposition All Peoples Congress Party and the National Grand Coalition Party.
    • Supervised and guided the conduct of Intra Party elections, for the Constitutions of their Organs and Structures.
    • Repealed and Replaced its Act, the Political Parties Act No.3 of 2002, with the Political Parties Act No 25 of 2022.
    • Acquired two new office space in Freetown and Port Loko.
    • Win the Confidence trust and cooperation of Political Parties and development Partners.
    • Improved its logistics base, in terms of mobility, information technology and visibility.
    • Established networks with its sister EMBs: ECSL, ONS, SLP and other lined Departments and Agencies.
    •  Gained membership of the Association of World Electoral Management Bodies (AWEB).

    UN support to the political parties through PPRC

    capacity building

    Woman & youth
    empowerment activities

    Project donors

    The UNDP Sierra Leone supports efforts to enhance the capacity of national institutions such as the Political Parties Registration Commission (PRRC) to deliver peaceful, credible and inclusive elections in Sierra Leone.

    The support is administered thanks to a multi-donor Election Basket Fund financed by the Government of Ireland, the European Union, the Government of Canada, the Government of Iceland, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.

    The Chairman, PPRC posed with cross section of members of the African Youth with Disabilities Network Sierra Leone (AYDN-SL)

    PPRC on Political Tolerance and Non Violence Campaign in Kenema and Kailahun Districts

    PPRC Chairman making a statement in a meeting on Unhindered Access by Political Parties in the Regions

    Paramount chiefs at the meeting in Makeni on Unhindered Access of PP