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Functions & Powers of the PPRC

Function of the PPRC

Pursuant to Section 12 of the Political Parties Act No 25. Of 2022, the PPRC exists to:

  1. Regulate including the Registration of political parties
  2. Regulate, supervise and monitor the affairs or conduct of political parties so as to ensure their compliance with the Constitution and the Act;
  3. Promote political pluralism and the spirit of constitutionalism among political parties;
  4. Monitor compliance of political parties with the terms and conditions of their registration;
  5. Monitor the accountability of political parties to their membership and the electorate of Sierra Leone
  6. Mediate conflict or dispute within a political party and between or amongst political parties;
  7. Do all such things to contribute to the attainment of the object stated in subsection (1)

Operational Independence Of PPRC

Pursuant to Section 34 (5) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone, the Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority except in the circumstance where political parties are aggrieved with a decision of the Commission. In such a case, the party concerned may appeal to the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone and the decision of the Court shall be final.

Powers Of The Commission

The commission reserves the right to refuse to register political parties if they fail to meet the provisions stated in section 35 subsection (5) of the 1991 Constitution, to deregister a political party if it is deemed dormant or fails to meet other provisions stated in Section 30 27 of the Political Parties Act of 2022.


The PPRC has performed well in the discharge of its mandate through the promotion of democracy and building of a culture of peace within and among political parties.

Conduct of Political Parties

The Conduct of Political Parties is to guide the actions of all Political Parties in Sierra Leone before, during and after the Election


In a bid to achieve its mandate and the desire to unite and assist all political parties in their efforts to attain their aims and objectives, the Commission has been faced with several challenges; thus creating the opportunity for the reformation of the Political Parties Act.